What is physiotherapy? How can it help you?

Do you suffer from lower back pain, sports injury, tendonitis or any other musculoskeletal problems? These problems start to stop you from doing what you would like to do or simply from enjoying your life? You are seeking help but is confused about which kind of specialist do you need? In this article, I will explain why physios are considered the mechanics of the human body, and I will clarify what you should expect after seeing your physiotherapist. Finally, I will give some explanation about how physiotherapy can help you?


What is physiotherapy and how does it help you?

 Physiotherapy is a health care profession that focuses on the latest evidence-based and natural physical approaches to assist people to reduce pain, maintain and maximize their function and overall well-being.


Reasons why physiotherapy is one of the best alternative therapies:

– The physiotherapist is well trained to classify your problem through a detailed evaluation to rule out a life-threatening problem or a serious problem that you should seek medical help or another specialist. If that’s the case you will be informed about what exactly you should do.

-The Physiotherapist does not focus only to reduce your symptoms but also figures out the root of your problem and the potential reasons that provoke these symptoms. Thus, through a detailed explanation, you will understand how you can avoid pain to reoccur in the future and how you could self-manage these symptoms if it happens again.

– Through a variety of different treatment modalities, Physiotherapy allows a fast and optimal repair of your body to be able to enjoy your life the way you wish.


Common conditions requiring physiotherapy include:

  • Lower back pain, neck pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
  • Work-related injuries
  • Joint sprains, Muscle strains
  • Headaches, vertigo
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Jaw (TMJ) pain
  • Following motor vehicle accident (MVA)


Different types of treatment technics:

 Physical therapists have a variety of different treatment techniques they can use when working with patients. Depending on your condition, your treatment may include any of the following modalities:

  • Functional training
  • Stretching, Workout prescription
  • Self-management strategies, Lifestyle advice
  • Joint mobilization and manipulation
  • Massage
  • Dry needling
  • Taping
  • Electrotherapy
  • Ultrasound


What should I expect when seeing a physical therapist?

People are often pleasantly surprised by what they find during their first visit to professional physical therapy. Here are some things to keep in mind

when you are getting ready for your first PT appointment:

The first evaluation visit usually lasts between 45-60 minutes. The main objective of this visit is to give you a physiotherapy diagnosis, to classify your problem and to confirm that he/she will be able to help you. You will be asked different questions about your problem, Then, through different special tests, the physical therapist will examine your posture, function, range of motion, strength and other components related to your problem.

You will then be given an explanation of your problem and a detailed action plan which provides the recommendations you should follow, the estimated treatment duration and things you should start to do to help your problem. At the end of this session, you will be informed about some recommended exercises, and you will receive some treatment modalities.

Take a first step toward good health! Click here to ask for an appointment!

Written by Sharl Shatta, pht.

Sources https://fullscript.com/blog/physiotherapy