Over the years, I have used many health services at this clinic, though mainly physiotherapy. I have found all the health care givers here excellent. Everyone is very professional, as well as caring, including the support staff like the receptionist. I have been greatly helped, in particular, by Weijia Xu who worked on my knee and upper back problems. She is a highly skilled physiotherapist, who, apart from doing physical manipulations, provides a very thorough set of exercises as well. Her diagnosis is very detailed and she spends the time that she needs to spend with you. My partner has also found her services very useful. Indeed, we are very lucky to have such a good, all-round, health center, that is just a five minute walk from our house.
My 85-year-old mother started to have back pain in May 2019. It got progressively worse and moved into her leg as well. She had no choice but to take pain medication and started to use a cane which was a terrible sign for someone who was so active and independent. I am so grateful for the very capable, meticulous and diligent physiotherapist that we found in Weijia Xu. She almost immediately made a difference in my mother’s pain and she continues to make progress every week. As well, the support staff have been very accommodating with appointments and schedule changes.
Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver.
Three months ago, when I referred to the Ste-Catherine Physical Therapy Clinic, I had felt a lot of pain on my neck. I was going under treatment immediately by an expert in physical therapy called Mr. Sharl Shatta. He did a very good job. He gave me regular exercises, and I did all of them perfectly. I had one visit per week in the first month of the treatment. After that, I had two visits per month. After seven sessions, I did not feel any pain on my neck and back muscles at all. It was great, and I am so happy that I do not have any pain on my neck. I appreciate the suggestions and helps of Mr. Sharl Shatta and other personnel in this physical therapy clinic.
Sharl is an excellent physiotherapist. The progress I made after my leg fracture exceeded all of my expectations. My full recovery is due in large part to Sharl’s encouragement, advice, and expertise. He also worked very hard with me physically. I owe him a depth of gratitude because I am pain-free and on my way to a full recovery. Thank you!
“Five years ago, I had frozen shoulders that no pain medication could relieve. After a period of physiotherapy with Weijia Xu, at the Ste-Catherine Physical Therapy Clinic, my shoulders are now back to normal.”
“My knees were so painful that I thought I could never dance Zumba again, but with physiotherapy, I was able to dance Zumba twice a week.”
“With the yoga therapy offered at the Ste-Catherine Physical Therapy Clinic, where the yoga instructor teaches yoga poses personalized to my abilities, I was able to increase my flexibility and to benefit from the relaxation techniques.”
“Ste-Catherine physiotherapy clinic is a comprehensive clinic with highly knowledgable practioners of both physiotherapy and osteopathy. During my recovery from a car accident, I went from barely being able to write to showing in galleries again.”
“Weijia is a compassionate person who treats each patient with care and understanding. When you are in pain and feeling ill, this is very important.”
“By such, I lived down the street and was able to attend this clinic. Travel there regardless of where you are!”
“J’ai été référé par une collègue de travail. J’ai été surprise par la puce, mais pas déçue par les suivis. Ils ont été très professionnel et courtois. Dès la première visite, j’ai vu la différence. J’ai aimé leur professionnalisme et le fait qu’ils donnent beaucoup d’exercices pour que tu guérisses aux plus vite. Je recommanderai cette clinique à tout le monde.”
I was feeling strong pain in my lower back and this pain almost killed me. I couldn’t walk or even sleep well until I met Mrs Weijia Xu. She helped me through her helpful advices and exercises. After three sessions with Mrs Xu, I’m feeling much more better and I really appreciate her. Besides, I had a wonderful experience of massotherapy with Mrs Jessica Massenat and I highly recommend everyone, even if you haven’t any physio problems because not only it relieves pains or tensions but also it gives you peace in your mind and in your soul. I really appreciate this wonderful team.
“J’ai beaucoup apprécié le professionnalisme et l’écoute de ma thérapeute. J’ai surtout apprécié les résultats. Elle a su poser le bon diagnostic et procéder au traitement approprié. C’est très agréable de retrouver la santé. Merci ”
Référé par Docteur Benhaddad de la Clinique Mont-Carmel, (1993, réné-lévesque est, Montréal) après l’entorse de mon genou gauche dans un accident de travail, je passe un très bon moment pendant le traitement en physiothérapie dans la Clinique de Physiothérapie Ste-Catherine jusqu’à maintenant. Je voudrais bien apprécier les qualités et techniques professionnelles, la patience, la gentillesse et la passion au métiers des physiothérapeutes et des thérapeutes de cette clinique. Les secrétaires à la réception sont aussi sympathiques et gentilles. Surtout, la physiothérepeute en chef: Weijia Xu a pris beaucoup de temps pour diagnostiquer et expliquer dans les différentes étapes du traitement pour que je puisse guérir le plus tôt possible.
En bref, un gros remerciement! Je passerai les revoir, même si je suis en bonne santé, juste pour les saluer!
Bonne journée internationale des femmes!
Je suis heureux de partager ma reconnaissance auprès des techniciens qui m’ont toujours traité avec soin et professionnalisme. Je veux tout simplement témoigner de l’excellent service à la clientèle et d’un professionnalisme remarquable.
Cela fait déjà quelques années que je fréquente la Clinique de Physiothérapie Ste-Catherine et je suis très satisfait des traitements offerts, des conseils pratiques ainsi que du service à la clientèle hors pair que les techniciens m’offrent à chaque visite.
À chaque fois que j’ai un rendez-vous, je peux constater que mes douleurs diminuent et je sais que je me sentirai mieux. C’est la relation de confiance que j’ai développé avec le personnel de la clinique qui m’accueille chaleureusement et qui essaie toujours de me trouver un rendez-vous lorsqu’une blessure survient sans avertir. De plus, les lieux sont très propres et ils procurent un sentiment de relaxation.
Il y a eu des moments difficiles où je me suis dit que je ne pourrai plus reprendre mes activités favorites, dont le golf, mais après quelques traitements et exercices conseillés par une physiothérapeute exceptionnelle. Puis, je me suis retrouvé sur les plus beaux parcours du Québec, plus stable et plus fort physiquement que jamais, doté d’une meilleure technique qu’auparavant, protégeant ainsi mon corps d’éventuelles blessures causées par une mauvaise posture.
Merci pour l’excellent travail que vous faites au quotidien.