Ste –Catherine physical therapy clinic have long been known for outstanding physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Our integrated physical therapy programs treat sprains, strains, muscle spasms, arthritis, post-surgical cases and several other problems related to the musculoskeletal system. Physical therapy and rehabilitation is also essential for full recovery after a surgery. It helps a patient to build strength, flexibility and endurance by combining:



Joints that lack adequate mobility and range will benefit from a procedure called manual therapy. Stiff joints and tense muscles respond very well to this type of therapy, quickly restoring the body’s natural movement without pain. Manual physical therapy techniques have two goals: decreasing pain and increasing flexibility. In general, the two types of techniques used are soft tissue work (a massage that relaxes muscles by increasing circulation and easing pain in the soft tissues) and mobilization (gentle movements that loosen tight tissues around a joint).


Coordination, posture and proprioception are all components of integrated neuromuscular re-education. Goals of this very effective modality are to restore soft tissue tone and elasticity, improve strength and relieve pain, through a process of guided movement and massage, taping or strapping, the body re-learns how to move normally. Neuro-muscular re-education helps the body “remember” healthy movement and proper alignment. Whether you are walking with a limp because of an ankle or knee sprain or have difficulty raising your arm over shoulder level because of a shoulder sprain, this specific procedure will allow a quicker return to normal function.


Our Ste-Catherine physical therapy clinic utilize electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) on a regular basis. EMS works by sending safe, gentle electrical impulses to muscles. By causing the muscle to expand and contract, signals can be simulated as though the brain is producing them. These signals in turn, force the brain to produce natural endorphins and enkephalins and cause immediate pain relief. We recommend the use of this type of modality to aid in the rehabilitation of muscles following injury and to ease chronic muscle spasms and pain. By increasing blood flow to and from muscles, the stimulation acts as a pump, helping to remove lactic acid, a common waste product found in overused or damaged muscles. This type of stimulation also serves to increase blood flow to and from the muscles, reducing edema (inflammation) and promoting quicker recovery.


These two modalities are recommended in conjunction with others that may be applied. Your practitioner may use electrical stimulation combined with moist heat to generate a specific therapeutic effect on a particular muscle group. More acute injuries are usually treated with cold therapies while chronic injuries are treated with heat. It is important to use heat and cold properly in order to get optimum results. The general rule of thumb is to use heat on the injured muscle 48 hours post injury. It is our recommendation to always consult a health care practitioner before the application of heat or cold to a particular area of the body.


One of the most common and effective therapeutic modalities is ultrasound. Ultrasound is one of the deepest forms of heat, with penetration (1-5 centimeters) to where the muscles meet the bones. A wide range of injuries can be treated with ultrasound, from simple sprain strains, to narrow tendon tears. By creating permanent, physical changes, ultrasound works to increase blood flow, repair soft tissue damage and decrease scar tissue formation.